But I had to put something on my blog!!!!
This rug is awful awful awful!!!!! I got this pattern that was drawn on monks cloth a long long time ago,from Barb Carroll. It's been sitting in the pile since the late 80's or early 90's,I dunno,I'm old I forget. Anyhoo I decided that it was time to hook it. Just doin' a little here & there between punchin' and other stuff.
So I NEVER have a total plan in mind when I start hookin' and it's always worked for me. Till now!!!!
First of all I hate the nose. I think it makes him look like a clown. This Jack pattern is one of the 3 in Barb's Jack Jack & Jack pattern. Barb had drawn the nose in a squigelly out of round circle. She hooked her's in red & since I've used red before on noses for my original Jacks,I did this one in red. Don't like it at all!!!!
Over the years I've often added poison colors in my rugs and it's always worked. Don't think it's working this time!!!!
So what do you think of the blue moon,other than making you feel like breaking out into song?????? You DO remember that old song,don't you????
There's a row of deep purple around it,which brings me to the stars. What do you think of the purple stars?????
Also I haven't been able to decide how to do the different size rectangles that's the border. I don't think I'm going to hook them individually different. I have cut up a really neat textured wool that I might just hook the border in & forget the individual blocks.
Well whatever I do,one thing I know for sure is there's a lot of reverse hooking that'll will be happening. Starting with that nose!!!!!
Please,I beg for your kindness. Don't laugh too hard when you look at this rug. You just might pee your pants ya know. And truly I am a pretty good hooker,so please don't judge me on this rug. Like I said I can't even believe I'm showing it!!!!
Well gotta get back to the piece I'm punching to list,which isn't going so well either. Think my needle's dull. Wouldn't be surprised considering how many times I've punched my thighs with it. How long do those needles last anyhow?????
Just realized it's Thursday. Guess you could say that I haven't had a real productive week so far.
REMEMBER be kind to an old lady and don't laugh as you look at my rug!!!! Oh go ahead and laugh,it's good for ya!!!!!!