my birthday. No big deal, no Happy Birthday, just birthday.
NO it's NOT Obama's BD, It's MINE and the dead Queen Mum's. That's one reason why I've been called The Queen,since the early 90's when she died.
Well 2 more years and Medicare can start payin' some of the medical bills. This is me being optimistic that I'll make it 2 more years!!!!!
So this is what I did today,finished this needle punch and listed it on ebay. It's a design from my buddy Lori Brechlin's newer pattern books. I even decided that I was not going to take my nap today. I was determined to get it finished,cause it seemed like I've been working on it forever. I aged it yesterday,but it just didn't want to dry. So I started stitchin' one of Lori's newer patterns last nite. Got pretty far along on it too. I thought maybe I'd finish the stitchin today,but I see it's almost 9:00 already,so I guess it'll be tomorrow Scarlet.
Well thanks for stopping by. I DO appreciate it!!!!