to the brave men and women and their families who served and gave their lives and those that are protecting us today,I Thank You with all my heart. I am proud to be an American!!!!!
With sadness I must tell you that John was taken to the hospital early yesterday morning and is in Intensive Care. Yes it is pneumonia AGAIN. I KNOW that this time it's a direct result of this moving. It has been WAY too hard on the both of us,as I'm able to do less and less. BUT we are STILL very thankful and happy to be in this house. It's just that we can't really relax and enjoy it with the other house still hanging over our heads. Yes it's been a month and we're still not completely moved out. WHY??? No help. In my last post I told you that John had found an ad in the newspaper for a guy to do it that he wanted me to call. I really didn't want to,but I had no other answers. Well it started out good,but I'm sorry to say that he ripped me off,no actually he stole from me several hundred $$'s worth of stuff that he was "honestly",so he said,going to pay me for. I called him Friday nite,asked him how he could go to sleep at nite knowing he ripped me off. He hung up on me. Guess we were an easy hit,2 desperate sick old people. Well,it's not me who will pay for this in the long run. I will stay the trusting honest person that I am.
After the ambulance left I called our son Mike and he went to the ER as I had no way there or back. I can't be on my feet much anymore without my wheelchair and right now there's no way to get it in the van. I had other phone calls to make and I guess I crashed,I just couldn't stop crying. I decided to call one of the Firemen who's been a Dear Friend for decades. Of course he had no clue of what we've been going through. I knew that there would be Firemen who would help,but I wouldn't say anything to John because I knew he would say no,darn pride. Well it's all in my hands now and I'm taking over. Ron told me that he has a trailer and that he would come over and get me to go to the other house. Because it's a Holiday the guys would have plans,but he knew that he'd be able to get at least 6 guys on Tuesday that would be happoy to help. But once we got there,he was very surprised,because he said there's not all that much here there's no reason it couldn't be done. I said I know,but it's a matter of hands & legs there to do it. He called me @ 7:30 this a.m. and he was already at the other house,but he couldn't get in. Mary Jo has the key and apparently she accidently locked the door from the garage into the house when we left there last nite. I had given Ron the garage door opener,so he was able to at least work in the garage and then he'll go back there after Church. My kids say that they don't know what they're doing today. Mike seems to be very mad at me cause he doesn't understand why I'm worried about the house.He doesn't understand how we feel with this other house hanging over our heads. Before the ambulance took John I asked him what he wanted me to do,and he said keep working.I'm keeping it a secret from him that I've called in reinforcements. I KNOW in my heart that the best thing I can do for him is to get this done and when he comes home,be able to tell him IT'S DONE and I've sent the keys back!!!!
I hope you all have a GREAT start to summer this Holiday week-end and I apologize for babbling on!!!!!
2 Fat Hens and Happy St. Patrick’s Day
1 hour ago