Netty LaCroix is a Super Fantastic Primitive Artist!!! That being said,if you have any of her patterns you know that the directions often leave you scratching your head and saying,"WHAT????" Let's just say that if you're a stickler for following directions or a beginner you won't be a happy camper. I never discourage people,I'm more of an encourager,but you really have to be able to do your own thing with her wonderful designs. So back to "Bob". I used vintage flannel and only had to go back to the machine twice to re-sew his tiny legs that had pooped through when I turned him. It was time to stuff him and never one for making things easier on myself,I decided to rag stuff him and throw in some of my seed batting from my antique cutter quilts. So about 2 hours later I'm still cutting fabric and stuffing."Bob" was almost stuffed when as I zealously continued cutting the scraps to fill him up,I cut my left pinkie finger.Not one of those little pinch cuts that we often do,no I totally removed a portion of the finger.I held a couple tissues on it as I went to the bathroom for a bandaid. To shorten the story the bathroom ended up looking like a scene from the movie Physco!!! I kept putting band-aids on and the blood kept pouring out!!! I swear I coulda made a donation to the blood bank!! FINALLY with 5 band-aids on which was like a small cast on it,I was able to get back to "Bob". Luckily it was a non-essential finger,although I do like to have all 10 of my fingers available,I was still able to work. This happened Wednesday nite. Thursday morning I got "Bob" stained with the grungy soup and he went out on the porch to dry.I worked all day.Sewed a different rabbit,made some dyed wool carrots and tried to figure out how to make the basket in Netty's same pattern as "Bob". Made it my own way!!! "Bob"was dry,better get some pictures before it gets dark,gotta update PHM tonite!!! Took some great pictures,then realized that I HAD NOT put "Bob's" tail on!!! AND was STILL working on the carrots & basket!!! I looked down at my right foot & ankle that I have lymphadema in and haven't seen them that huge in a long time.I called my buddy Lori Rippey and told her,that's it,I can't make the update tonite. I'm not finished & it's too dark to get pictures,I'll have to update Friday morning. I kept working and when I finished,I put "Bob" and the basket up on the mantle,done for tonite,it was after 11:00.BUT I looked at them and thought,I'm gonna try to get some pictures and see if they're OK. Well they weren't perfect,but I decided to do my update!!! As I've written here before,I don't have all the Christmas stuff put away.While I was updating one of the Santas that I had started a collection of for John fell off the shelf. Can you tell me WHY after all these months of those Santas being there one would suddenly fall off!!!???!!! I thought, OK OK I'll put them away!!! Why aren't you here to help me?? John used to help me put the Christmas things away,at least the things I'd let him pack up. Very strange HUH??? But pictures are here to show you. Including a picture of my bandaged pinkie.I'm afraid to take the bandages off because I think I only have like 2 band-aids left.But I was thinkin' that since I took such a chunk out of it that it could probably only be fixed with plastic surgery.Do you think that I could talk my insurance company into a boob lift being crucial to the heeling of my pinkie finger????
Well I hope you'll click on the PHM banner over there on the right to see "BOB" and all the FANTASTIC offerings of the PHM artists and play the game that's going on!!!!
🎉 Arenga pinnata
1 hour ago