I've been very busy working on these tiny pincushions that are inspired by just the sweetest pattern by my friend Jackie of T.F.C. Folk Art,all with a Sherry touch.
First came the cat. I used vintage suiting fabric and stuffed him with sawdust.Vintage cotton thread for his face and rusty wire & bell adorn his neck.He sits upon an antique cutter quilt where you'll find an antique button & sewing pins.It's been stuffed with ground walnut shells & wool.
Everything stitched by hand with vintage threads!!!
Next came the black doll,rag stuffed and wearing navy & white homespun vintage check bonnet & dress.Her cushion has antique sewing pins & a rusty pin holding a bit of antique tatting & a antique button. Completely stitched by hand with vintage threads.
Last but not least for this little one I used some aged muslin,rag stuffed her and stitched a sweet little face with floss. She's wearing a vintage wool dress & bonnet with a touch of vintage tatting held on with antique straight sewing pins. There's also 3 antique staight pins and an antique button attached with a rust pin. There's another antique button sewn on the back of her bonnet.
The dolls are 4" tall and the cat is 4 1/2" tall cuz he has ears!!
They've all been completely handsewn using antique and vintage fabrics,threads & accesories. All 3 pinchusions were handsewn from antique cutter quilts and stuffed with crushed walnut shells & wool. There's gonna be more of these,cuz I have more ideas!!
These are $23.00+ Shipping The cat is SOLD and went to live with Olde Lady Morgan,Thank You!!! But I have more of the vintage fabric that I made him from if you'd like to order one.
Contact me at
I'll be back!!!!