I know that a lot of people dread Mondays. It's always been that way, cuz for most people it means back to the work week and things tend to happen on Monday. Mostly because they're dreading going back to the grind after being off for 2 days. Most people get over it,usually by Wed. For me there's no Monday to dread because I work 7 days a week and seldom get out unless I have a Dr.'s appt.
Well for me this Monday started out bad. Even though I don't go out to work, nobody wants to start the week with bad stuff,including me!!!
So it was the wee hours of this morning,don't know what time,I did look at the clock but can't remember what it said. Whatever time it was,it was still dark out and I had no intention of getting up for the day,but I did have to pee. No biggie,I have a neurogenic bladder,like a lot of MS people do so I get up often for bathroom trips. BUT today was different!!!! I've come very close tons of times and made it,this time I didn't, I fell. Twisted my right knee. Now there's an unwritten rule,that whatever is hurt or damaged on your body, that's the part that you always hurt again. Like the majority of people do,I have 2 knees, 1 bad & the other worse. The worse is my right one,which many years ago they operated on to remove a torn meniscus,that's the part that cushions your knee,so it stands to reason that the right knee would be the one that twisted when I fell. Right??? I also hit my arm on the nite stand. My right one. I right handed. No problem though it's ok. Now my left foot,well that's awhole other story. My toe,the one next big one that went to market, got bent backwards. Now that hurts. I do believe it's broken. Which once again follows that unwritten rule,because this toe is on the left foot that gotten broken 3 weeks after John died and still has the purplish mark on it,just below the said injured toe. The ortho Dr. had told me that this break would never totally heal because of my MS. Well he was right,it hasn't. After the fall, I peed & went back to bed.
My routine when I get up in the morning is to go hit the button on the coffee pot so it gets started brewing while I go pee,yes again and then go back & pour a cup of coffee,I have pause & pour. Well it was makin' all kinds of spurting noises & there was no coffee to pause & pour!!! Apparently for some reason I had not prepared the coffee like I ALWAYS do the nite before.
Maybe it's because my Monday actually started Sunday nite when I decided to broil a couple of shrimp cakes to eat. When I went to turn them over I guess I just didn't pull the rack out far enough and my right index finger now has the brand of the red hot broiler coil on it!!!!! Maybe that's why i forgot to make the coffee!!!
As far as the broken toe goes,there's really not much you can do about that. I'll just have to stay hurtin',swollin' & purple till it decides not to be,which in my case could be awhile.
So in closing I do hope that your Monday started better than mine and stay tuned in & maybe I'll tell you what happened last Monday!!
Broken Toed Sherry.....OUT
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