Monday, August 4, 2008


Not quite sure when I actually started to feel sad on my BD. Was it last year,when I turned 60???? I dunno,can't remember. Now my body is 89 + 3 months!!!! I know this because I took an online test one day that told me this. Actually it said I should be dead!!!!!! And of course it MUST be accurate cause I took it on the internet & NOTHING is EVER screwed up on the world wide web!!!!!!!

Why be sad on my BD you ask???? Well,I'll tell you why. Cuz 364 days a year in my mind I'm 20!!!!! Then, WOOP there it is on the calendar August 4th to remind me how old I REALLY am. HOW does that happen?????? Yesterday I was 20,I swear I was!!!!!

But I've sure had some wonderful,sweet & loving BD wishes from my online friends and that's truly THE BESTEST present!!!!!!

Oh and John,that's the husband,is at the store right now,told him to get me some toothpaste. He asked,is that your BD present???? I said yup,so I want the top shelf stuff!!!!!!! Can't wait!!!!! he should be back soon!!!!!!

BTW way,today being my BD & all is a good day to tell you that my friends call me The Queen. Clear back to 1991. Ya see the Queen Mum's (ya know the old lady)BD was the same day as mine,so when she died somebody had to take over!!!!! It also has to do with some Bingo games I've played!!!!!

Well,I think I'm done,I'm sure I've bored you to tears by now,that is IF you decided to read my yada yada!!!!!
The Queen


  1. I loved what you wrote dear Queen! A very Happy Birthday to ya ~ oh it may be the 5th now your know what that means...back to 20 again!!!

  2. Hope you had a grand day! May each year be sweeter than the last!

  3. Happy belated Birthday..
    many many more
    Did you get CAKE???



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