A few days ago I got this light bulb thought. You see I'm hooking these penny candle rugs. I've sold 2. They're really neat and I enjoy hooking them. So my bright idea was to put pictures of them on the left side of this blog and post that I'd take orders on them. Well as hard as I tried it just would not work!!! At one point they ended up on the right side with just a very small portion of the pictures showing,even though I had clicked on the thing that says,shrink to fit. So then I thought screw it,I don't have time to sit here an mess with this when it's just not working,so I deleted everything and went on my merry way and put them on my picturetrail and my Etsy store. DONE!!!!
Well not hardly. In the strange world of cyber space I began to notice that on other peoples blogs that have me on their favorites list,those partial pictures of the candle rugs was showing up. And not only that,but when you clicked on it the page comes up as error and not available.
I checked everywhere on my blog and that post was NOWHERE here just on everyone else's blogs!!!
So yesterday,when my friend Julie,Plum Run Creek, called I told her about it and she said it would stay out there until I put a new post up. So that's what I'm doing with this post I hope the weird one that's out there will disappear!!!!!
Last nite I got an email from a very sweet lady. She started out by saying that this was probably a bit awkward,but she's trying to find From Sherry's Heart and the candle rugs and can't find it,she even googled. When I wrote to her, she wrote back and said Sherry!!!! It's you???? She couldn't believe she had found me. She said that she was even going to email Lori Brechlin to see if she knew how to find me!!! LOL!!!! I hope with this new post that the weird one will totally disappear into cyber space where it belongs!!!!!
In the mean time my hooked penny candle rugs are on my picture trail. You can get there by going over to the right and scroll down and you'll find the link to click on. They're also in my Etsy shop which I DON'T have a link for on this blog and after this latest screw up I'm not even going to try to put a link up for it right now!!!!
The picture above is my latest listing on ebay. Now there is a link for ebay over on the right that you can click on to take a closer look. I really like this hooked bag,looks really cool hanging!!!
Well I hope I've undone the damage and all will be well now in Sherry's blog land!!!
Thanks for stopping by!!!!
Love your fall pocket. The colors are perfect. Hope things are going o.k. for you.(millstonemercantile)